Computer implementation of my board game. It is a tactical turn-based strategy.


Each player has a set of units. Each step you can move either one unit at a certain distance, or a squad (then the distance is reduced by a certain percentage for each unit).


There are different types of units, each with its own properties. Units can attack. During the attack, the attacker and the defender randomly drop numbers, depending on who gets the most, determine whether the unit defended itself or was killed.


There is a different radius for attack = 1, for moving (normal) = 4. During the movement, you can not pass by enemies (i.e., at the distance of attack).


There may be buildings on the map with mechanisms and siege weapons that can be activated.


The basis of the game is spells. But the players don't have that many mages, and since they are very powerful units, they often turn out to be a favorite target.


The game also has artifacts that can endow a simple soldier with magical properties.


Maximum number of players 2 (possibly 3 and 4, not tested yet)


Standard game - the player is defeated when he loses his last unit.


Character protection - the player is defeated, losing a certain character.


Artifact capture - in a random place on the map (at an equal distance from the players) an artifact appears that needs to be delivered to a specific place.


Who is interested, here you can DOWNLOAD some art and rules in Russian.



Metal & Magic


Kyrgyzstan, Kara-Balta city


Phone: +996 551 208127

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Who is interested, here you can DOWNLOAD some art and rules in Russian.