Similar to MYST

You, along with a group of researchers, arrived on a distant planet, with suitable living conditions. You need to help research: collect samples, help in the construction of the camp and perform other tasks.


This planet has special devices that can move between worlds.

Strange objects and mechanisms, drawings, symbols and other traces of lost civilizations. Who was here before you? What happened to them? You have to find out.


Each world has its own flora and fauna, architecture and inventions.


Players appear here from time to time. They discover new places, solve puzzles, restore ancient mechanisms.


Strange devices or special places allow you to move between worlds. But finding and using them is not so easy, because the path to them is full of obstacles in the form of furious puzzles.


The further the player advances, the puzzles are more complicated and incomprehensible. And the more beautiful the new open places and the more interesting the objects found!


From time to time, different players receive tasks on the PDA. The main source is the company that sent the expedition here. They conduct various research works and try to restore ancient technologies in order to better understand the history and culture of these civilizations. But the company has many enemies. Some are willing to generously pay for stolen artifacts and information or killing certain players. Others advocate the preservation of the worlds in the form in which they were found, and commit all kinds of sabotage. Some believe that the company uses the technologies found for its own selfish purposes.


Tasks of the company:

• set up camp in the indicated area;

• repair the bridge;

• discover new places;

• catch an animal / take plant samples for research;

• find an artifact;

• investigate a crime;

• catch the intruder;

• save scientists;


Resistance Tasks:

• destroy equipment;

• return the artifact to its place;

• deactivate teleport / break the mechanism;

• inject the virus into the system;


Smuggler Tasks:

• bring an artifact;

• steal research;

• release accomplices;

• remove witnesses;

• eliminate the problem player;

• destroy evidence of a crime;


The appearance of many tasks and their contents depends on the actions of the players.

For example, if 1 player opens a new location, other players receive messages to equip the camp, explore the place, repair the device ... During these tasks, some players receive messages of the opposite effect (from the enemies of the company).



At a certain time, a cataclysm happens on one of the planets: meteor shower, flood, freezing, electrification, dust storm, eclipse, super storm, etc.


Some disasters can be caused by players. Some can be prevented.



Kyrgyzstan, Kara-Balta city


Phone: +996 551 208127

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